Monday, March 26, 2012

Cities of Refuge

The LORD is speaking to people all over the world creating Cities of Refuge for the challenging times that are coming. Some are farms, some are individual homes, some are underground, and some are communities. They are places that the Lord will protect and provide for Himself.

If this subject matter is new to you and you'd like to learn more about what God is doing, please listen to my "Cities of Refuge Interview" from October 2011 here on my blog or go to the front page of my website at and listen to "Cities of Refuge Interview" from January 2011.

The Lord is asking some to store up food and supplies, others He's asking to start a garden or farm. The Lord has the best plan for your family, church and community. An important thing to know is that at the center of every City of Refuge is a House of Prayer, but I must inject here that not every House of Prayer will be a City of Refuge. True Cities of Refuge are initiated by the Lord.

I have been traveling extensively sharing what God is doing around the world. If you are interested in having me come to speak at your home group, church or gathering, please do not hesitate to contact me at

If the Lord has been speaking to you regarding Cities of Refuge and you feel comfortable sharing, I would sure love to hear from you. No one person has all the answers... but it is clear that the pieces the Lord has been showing people all over the world, fit together with precision.

Also, I have included a few sources of information below that you may find interesting. If you know of any helpful web sites, books or other resources, please feel free to e-mail them to me as well.

"When Technology Fails" by Matthew Stein
"" for heirloom seeds
"" for grain, underground food storage, shopping and seminars
"" for conferences, webinars, and teaching
"" for teaching, information and multiple resources... I especially recommend listening to Mike Bickle's recounting of IHOP's history entitled, "Encountering Jesus."